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Sunday 6 February 2011

Giorgio Uccellini - Airbrush Artist

Giorgio has been a self taught airbrush artist for about 20 years now. He teachers various different airbrush classes. One of which i attended and throughly enjoyed it.
Here are a few questions from myself to Giorgio.

Me: First of all can you tell me a little about your work?
Giorgio: I have always drawn ,and still do , that's why i took to the airbrush , it is like drawing with a pencil and very fast, my main interest is portraiture , i was a musician and that is why i like to paint the rock-icons portraits, and have been doing it for years.
Me: What type of themes do you use or explore in your art and why?
Giorgio: I try to do all my work freehand ,the airbrush is an extension of my hand , Masking does not work for me .
I try to get some soul into portraits ,and music is very important to , and try to capture it in the musicians i do.
Me: What do you strive to achieve through it?
Giorgio: The perfect Portrait ....
Me: Do you have any views on public attitude towards art?
Giorgio: I am not a fan of the fine art scene ,it is all hyped.Me: When did you start airbrushing?
Giorgio: Over 30 years ago , doing t-shirts in the Oasis store Birmingham.Me: How long has it taken for you to get to where you are now?
Giorgio: A life time and I'm still learning . Every new painting is an adventure.Me: What or who was your inspiration for starting airbrushing?
Giorgio: Chuck close , airbrush action magazine and Jurek.Me: Do you do any other forms of art besides airbrushing?
Giorgio: I do a lot of sketching ,and always carry them with me .
I have done some sculpture ,and i like printing.
Me: Do you have an artist that you look up to and why?
Giorgio: Chuck Close , Don Eddy, Leonardo DA'Vinci and many others.
Chuck Close was a photo realist pioneer using the airbrush.
Me: What does your art mean to you?
Giorgio: My Art is the meaning of Life , I paint therefore i am.......
To veiw Giorgios work you can veiw it on Facebook or here are a few links to some of his websites:




1 comment:

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