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Wednesday 9 February 2011

My Art - African Animals

My artist side started at an early age, in junior school to be more precise. I definitely didn't get artist side from my parents, who are not very good at art (sorry Mum and Dad). I pick up on different art techniques by watching and taking in what i see, going back to the drawing board with a new idea, trying to perfect it from what i have seen. I have various different techniques of art such as pencil drawings, burning pictures into wood with a soldering iron and airbrushing.

Start off with some pencil drawings:     
                                                              Zebra's at the water hole
         It was early morning and a herd of Zebras had just galloped across the open plain to get a drink.

                                                                    Kudu Bull
                                     Kudu Bull standing proud in the long grass.
                                                                     Male lion
                           Majestic male lion scanning the vast plains for potential prey.
                                       Giraffes towering over the small trees of the savanna.
                                    Cheetah scouring the open savannah for prey and danger.
                                                                    White Rhino
                               Using its ears to detect the faintest sounds of danger approaching.

                                        A sign of sure elegance in the wild.

Shortly i will be uploading pictures of my airbrushing and pictures that were burnt onto wood. Stay posted.
More pictures can be viewed on facebook.

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